Project entitled: "Elemental and Configural Learning: The Integration of Knowledge and Inhibitory Conditioning" (Reference: BSO2001-3264).
Subsidising Organization: Spanish Ministery of Science and Technology (MCT).
Principal Researcher: V.D. Chamizo.
Amount Given: 21.137,45 Euros
Beginning Date of the Project: 28, XII, 2001
Final Date of the Project: 27, XII, 2004
Research Grant for Dr. Andrew Baker (McGill University, Montreal, Canadá).
Reference of the Project: 2004PIV200013.
Subsidising Organization: Generalitat de Catalunya, AGAUR
Total Amount Given: 5.500 Euros
Date of Official Recognition of the Project: 15, X, 2004
Researcher Responsable for the Group receiving Dr. Baker: V.D. Chamizo
Generalitat de Catalunya, AGAUR, PEIR 2004, Modality B (Infraestructura Help).
Request made by: V.D. Chamizo and Núria Sebastián Gallés
Budget given: 3.059 Euros.
Project entitled: "Learning and Cognition: The importante of the Associative Mechanism in Spatial and Non-Spatial Tasks". (Reference: SEJ2004-07621).
Subsidising Organization: Spanish Ministery of Science and Technology (MCT).
Principal Researcher: V.D. Chamizo.
Amount Given: 34.500,00 Euros
Beginning Date of the Project: 13, XII, 2004
Final Date of the Project: 12, XII, 2007
Project entitled: "Learned Changes in the Efectivity of the Stimuli". (Reference: SEJ2004-02214).
Subsidising Organization: Spanish Ministery of Science and Technology (MCT).
Principal Researcher: J. Sansa
Amount Given: 35.000,00 Euros
Beginning Date of the Project: 13, XII, 2004
Final Date of the Project: 13, XII, 2007
Coordinated Project (Univ.Barcelona-Univ.Málaga) entitled: "Learning and Cognition: The importante of the Associative Mechanism in Spatial and Non-Spatial Tasks (cont.). (Reference: SEJ2007-67409-C02-01/PSIC).
Subsidising Organization: Spanish Ministery of Science and Education (MEC).
Coordination in Barcelona: V.D. Chamizo.
Coordination in Málaga: Alfredo Espinet
Final Coordination: V.D. Chamizo.
Budget given (Barcelona): 80.223 Euros
Budget given (Málaga): 46.585 Euros
Beginning Date of the Project: 01, X, 2007
Final Date of the Project: 30, IX, 2010
Project entitled: "Associative Inhibition and Perceptual Efectivity: Complementary Mechanisms in Perceptual Learning". (Reference: SEJ2007-67416/PSIC).
Subsidising Organization: Spanish Ministery of Science and Education (MEC)
Amount Given: A.A. Artigas
Budget given: 70.000 Euros
Beginning Date of the Project: 01, X, 2007
Final Date of the Project: 30, IX, 2010
Project entitled: "Associative Learning: A Comparative Approach and Sex Differences". (Reference: PSI2010-20424).
Subsidising Organization: Spanish Ministery of Science and Innovation (MCI)
Principal Researcher: V.D. Chamizo
Total Amount Given: 108.900 Euros
Beginning Date of the Project: 01, 01, 2011
Final Date of the Project: 31, XII, 2014
Project entitled: Perceptual Learning: Transfer to Novel Stimuli (Ref: PSI2011-26850)
Subsidising Organization: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Principal Researcher: A.A. Artigas
Amount Given: 21.780 Euros
Beginning Date of the Project: 01, 01, 2012
Final Date of the Project: 31, 12, 2014
Project entitled: "Spatial Learning and Cognition: A Comparative Approach and Sex Differences". (Reference: PSI2013-47430-P).
Subsidising Organization: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Principal Researcher: V.D. Chamizo
Project entitled: Causal illusions: explanatory mechanisms, modulating factors,and debiasing interventions (Ref: PSI2016-75776-R).
Subsidising Organization: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
Principal Researcher: Itxaso Barberia
Amount Given: 28.072,00 Euros
Beginning Date of the Project: 30, 12, 2016
Final Date of the Project: 31, 12, 2020
Project entitled: Towards a holistic explanation of preexposure effects (Ref: PID2019-109233GB-I00).
Subsidising Organization: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Principal Researcher: A.A. Artigas
Amount Given: 60.500 Euros
Beginning Date of the Project: 01, 06, 2020
Final Date of the Project: 31, 05, 2023
Artigas, A. A., Chamizo, V. D., & Peris, J. M. (2001). Inhibitory associations between neutral stimuli: A comparative approach. Animal Learning and Behavior, 29(1), 46-65.
Mackintosh, N.J. & Chamizo, V.D. [Eds.] (2002), Spatial learning and cognition. Psicológica, 23 (
Prados, J. & Sansa, J. (2002). Differential acquisition of aversion by two distinctive contexts paired with lithium-induced illness. Learning and Motivation, 33, 253-268.
Prados, J. & Sansa, J. (2002). Transferencia de un aprendizaje relacional en una tarea de navegación (Transference of relational learning in a navigation task). Psicológica, 23, 233-244.
Chamizo, V.D., Aznar-Casanova, J.A., & Artigas, A.A. (2003). Human overshadowing in a virtual pool: Simple guidance is a good competitor against locale learning. Learning and Motivation, 34, 262-281.
Rodrigo, T. & Prados, J. (2003). Associative learning and spatial learning: a history of a line of research (1981-2001). In J. Vila, J. Nieto and J.M. Rosas (Eds.), Contemporary research in associative learning: The collaboration of México-Spain. Pp. 7-21.
Sansa, J. & Prados J. (2003). Overshadowing among landmarks in a navigation task. Psicológica, 24, 17-29.
Prados, J., Manteiga, R.D. & Sansa, J. (2003). Recovery effects after extinction in the Morris swimming pool navigation task. Learning and Behavior, 31, 299-304.
Trobalon, J.B., Miguelez, D., McLaren, I.P.L., & Mackintosh, N.J (2003). Intradimensional and extradimensional shifts in spatial learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 29, 143-152.
Chamizo, V.D. & Rodrigo, T. (2004). Effect of absolute spatial proximity between a landmark and a goal. Learning and Motivation, 35, 102-114.
Chamizo, V.D,. Rodrigo, T. & Manteiga, R.D. (2004). Navegación y mapas cognitivos: un análisis de los estímulos implicados avala su naturaleza asociativa (Navigation and cognitive maps: an analysis of the stimuli involved revealing its associative nature). In R. Pellón (Ed.), Inteligencia y aprendizaje (Intelligence and learning). Barcelona: Ariel (Pp. 389-407).
Rodrigo, T., Arall, M., & Chamizo, V.D. (2005). Blocking and unblocking in a navigation task. Psicológica, 26, 229-241.
Artigas, A.A., Aznar-Casanova, J.A., & Chamizo, V.D. (2005), Effects of absolute proximity between landmark and platform in a virtual Morris pool task with humans. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 18, 224-238.
Rodrigo, T., Sansa, J., Baradad, P., & Chamizo, V.D. (2006). Generalization gradients in a navigation task with rats. Learning and Motivation, 37, 247-268.
Artigas, A.A., Sansa, J., & Prados, J. (2006). The Espinet and the perceptual learning effects in flavour aversion conditioning: Do they depend on a common mechanism? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59, 471-481.
Artigas, A.A., Sansa, J., Blair, C.A.J., Hall, G., & Prados, J. (2006). Enhanced discrimination between flavor stimuli: Modulation or Inhibition? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 32(2), 173-177.
Chamizo, V.D., Manteiga, R.D., Rodrigo, T., & Mackintosh, N.J. (2006). Competition between landmarks in spatial learning: the role of proximity to the goal. Behavioural Processes, 71, 59-65.
Chamizo, V.D., Rodrigo, T., Peris, J.M., & Grau, M. (2006). The influence of landmark salience in a navigation task: an additive effect between its components. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 32, 339-344.
Chamizo, V.D., Rodrigo, T., & Mackintosh, N.J. (2006). Spatial integration with rats. Learning and Behavior, 34(4), 348-354.
Blanco, E., Santamaría, J.J., Chamizo, V.D., & Rodrigo, T. (2006). Peak and area shift effects in the spatial domain. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy (monographic issue: Animal Learning and Cognition), 6(3), 161-177.
Rodrigo, T., Artigas, A.A., & Chamizo, V.D. (2007). Aprendizaje y cogición espacial: de Tolman a Morris (Spatial learning and cognition: from Tolman to Morris). In O. Pineño, M.A. Vadillo and H. Matute (Eds.), Psicología del Aprendizaje (The Psychology of Learning). Badajoz: Abecedario. Pp. 177-204.
Prados, J., Artigas, A. A., & Sansa, J. (2007). Preexposure effects in the spatial domain: Dissociation between latent inhibition and perceptual learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 33,115-123.
Sansa, J., Artigas, A.A., & Prados, J. (2007). Overshadowing and potentiation of illness-based context conditioning. Psicológica, 28, 193-214.
Noguera, M., Grau, M., Peris, J.M., Barbería, I., & Chamizo, V.D. (2008). Similarity and discrimination learning in humans. Behavioural Processes, 79, 114–119
Grau-Sánchez, M. Noguera, M. Díaz-Barrero, J.L., Chamizo, V.D., & Rodrigo, T. (2008). An application of an associative learning model to Morris pool with a single landmark. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 56, 212-217.
Prados,J., Sansa, J., & Artigas, A.A. (2008). Partial reinforcement effects on learning and extinction of place preferences in the water maze. Learning and Behavior, 36, 311-318.
Forcano, L., Santamaría, J., Mackintosh, N.J., & Chamizo, V.D. (2009). Single landmark learning: sex differencies in a navigation task. Learning and Motivation, 40, 46-61.
Vidal, J. & Chamizo, V.D. (2009), Taste aversion conditioning, but not immunosuppression conditioning, occurs under partial water deprivation. The Journal of General Psychology, 136 (I), 71-90.
Sansa, J., Krug, I., Chamizo, V.D., & Fernández-Aranda, F. (2009). Is contextual-potentiated eating dependent on caloric density of food?, Psicológica, 30, 201-214.
Sansa, J., Rodrigo, T., Santamaría, J., Manteiga, R., & Chamizo, V.D. (2009). Conditioned inhibition in the spatial domain. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 35, 566–577.
Vidal, J. & Chamizo, V.D. (2010). The conditioned stimulus elicits taste aversion, but not sickness behavior, in conditioned mice. NeuroImmunoModulation, 17, 325-332.
Rodríguez, C.A., Torres, A., Mackintosh, N.J., & Chamizo, V.D. (2010). Sex differences in the strategies used by rats to solve a navigation task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 36, 395-401.
Barbería, I., Baetu, I., Sansa, J., & Baker, A.G. (2010). Choosing optimal causal backgrounds for causal discovery. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(12), 2413-2431.
Espinet, A., Caramés, J.M., & Chamizo, V.D. (2011). Order effects after prolonged blocked preexposure to two compound flavors. Behavioural Processes, 88, 94-100
Chamizo, V.D., Artigas, A.A., Sansa, J., & Banterla, F. (2011). Gender differences in a virtual Morris water task: the role of distance to a goal. Behavioural Processes, 88, 20-26
RodrÃguez, C.A., Chamizo, V.D., & Mackintosh, N.J. (2011). Overshadowing and Blocking between Landmark Learning and Shape Learning: the Importance of Sex Differences. Learning and Behavior, 39, 324-335
RodrÃguez, C.A., Aguilar, R., & Chamizo, V.D. (2011). Landmark learning in a navigation task is not affected by the female rats` estrus cycle Psicológica, 32, 279-299
Contel, D.M., Sansa J., Artigas A.A., & Prados J. (2011). Salience modulation and associative inhibition interaction: Short but not long exposure to similar stimuli protects the salience of the unique elements Behavioural Processes, 86, 21-29
Crespo, P., RodrÃguez, C,A., & Chamizo, V.D. (2012). Learning in a navigation task: The role of salience of pairs of landmarks and sex differences. Anuario de PsicologÃa, 42, 361-376
Artigas, A.A., Sansa, J., & Prados, J. (2012). Distractor effects upon habituation of complex stimuli. Behavioural Processes, 90, 204-209
Chamizo, V.D. & RodrÃguez, C.A. (2012). Qualitative sex differences in spatial learning. In S. McGeown (Ed.) Psychology of Gender Differences, Hauppauge NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Pp. 267-281.
Artigas, A.A., Contel, D.M., Sansa, J., & Prados, J. (2012). Salience modulation in serial pre-exposure. Implications for perceptual learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 38, 66-73
Chamizo, V.D., RodrÃguez, C.A., Espinet, A., & Mackintosh, N.J. (2012). Generalization decrement and not overshadowing by associative competition among pairs of landmarks in a navigation task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 38, 255-256
RodrÃguez, Clara A., Chamizo, V.D., Mackintosh, N.J. (2013). Do hormonal changes that appear at the onset of puberty determine the strategies used by female rats when solving a navigation task? Hormones and Behavior, 64, 122-135.
RodrÃguez, C.A. & Chamizo, V.D. (2013). Male advantage in geometry learning? A preliminary study in rats. Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento, 5, 30-39.
Civile, C., Chamizo, V.D., Mackintosh, N.J., & McLaren, I.P.L. (2014). The effect of disrupting configural information on rat’s performance in the Morris water maze. Learning and Motivation, 48, 55–66.
Rodrigo, T., Gimeno, E., Ayguasanosa, M., & Chamizo, V.D. (2014). Navigation with two landmarks in rats (Rattus norvegicus): the role of landmark salience. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 128, 378-386.
Chamizo, V.D., RodrÃguez, C.A., Torres, I., Torres, M.N., & Mackintosh, N.J. (2014). What makes a landmark effective?: Sex differences in a navigation task. Learning and Behavior, 42, 348–356.
Torres, M.N., RodrÃguez, C.A., Chamizo, V.D., & Mackintosh, N.J. (2014). Landmark vs. geometry learning: Explaining female rasts’ selective preference for a landmark. Psicológica, 35, 81-100.
BarberÃa, I, Baetu, I., Sansa, J., & Baker, A.G. (2014). When is a cause the "same"? Incoherent generalization across contexts. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67, 281-303.
Mármol, F., RodrÃguez, C.A., Sánchez, J., & Chamizo, V.D. (2015). Anti-oxidative effects produced by environmental enrichment in hippocampal and cerebral cortex of male and female rats. Brain Research, 1613, 120–129.
Manchón, A., Torres, M.N., Rodrigo, T., & Chamizo, V.D. (2016). Successive contrast effects in a navigation task with rats. In J.B. Trobalon & V.D. Chamizo (Eds.), Associative Learning and Cognition. Homage to Professor N. J. Mackintosh. “In Memoriam†(1935-2015). Edicions Universitat de Barcelona (Colección Homenajes). Pp. 157-176.
Chamizo, V.D., RodrÃguez, C.A., Sánchez, J., & Mármol, F. (2016). Sex Differences after Environmental Enrichment and Physical Exercise in Rats when Solving a Navigation Task. Learning and Behavior, 44, 227–238.
Mármol, F., Sánchez, J., Torres, M.N., & Chamizo, V.D. (2017). Environmental enrichment in the absence of wheel running produces beneficial behavioural and anti-oxidative effects in rats Behavioral Processes, 144, 66-71.
Chamizo, V.D. & Torres. M.N. (2017). Aprendizaje espacial y diferencias de sexo: variables a tener en cuenta En J. Nieto y R. Bernal Gamboa (Eds.), Estudios Contemporáneos en Cognición Comparada. Cromo Editores S.A. de C.V. (México). ISBN: 978-607-02-9693-2.
Mesa, V., Osorio, A., Ballesta, S., Marimon, J.M. & Chamizo, V.D. (2017). Geometric vs. non-geometric information: Explaining male rats’ selective preferences in a navigation task Learning and Motivation, 60, 23-33
Lugo, F., Torres, M.N. & Chamizo, V.D. (2018). Two strategies used to solve a navigation task. A differential use of the hippocampus in male and female rats? A preliminary study in rats. Psicológica, 39, 319-339.
Chamizo, V.D. & Rodrigo, T. (2018). Rodentia navigation. Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. New York: Springer ,
Chamizo, V.D. & Rodrigo, T. (2019). Spatial orientation Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. New York: Springer ,
Chamizo, V.D., Torres, M.N., RodrÃguez, C.A., & Mackintosh, N.J. (2019). What makes a landmark effective in adolescent and adult rats?: Sex and age differences in a navigation task. Learning and Behavior, 47, 156–165
Sansa, J., Aznar-Casanova, J.A., RodrÃguez, C.A. & Chamizo, V.D (2019). Generalization Decrement and Not Overshadowing by Associative Competition Among Pairs of Landmarks in a Navigation Task with humans. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 251–262.
Torres, M. N., Barberia, I., & RodrÃguez-Ferreiro, J. (2020). Causal illusion as a cognitive basis of pseudoscientific beliefs. British Journal of Psychology, 111(4), 840-852.
Chamizo, V.D., Urrutia, M., Sánchez, O., Calabrese, M.D., and Riccio, O. (2020). Geometry learning while navigating: The importance of task difficulty and sex differences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 46, 470-483.
Civile, C., Chamizo, V.D., Artigas, A.A., & McLaren, I.P.L. (2020). Directional Cues and Landmark Configurations: The effect of rotating one set of landmarks relative to another. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 46(1), 28-39.
Ballesta, S., Gordón, C., Prados, J. & Artigas, A.A. (In press). Mechanisms of Perceptual Learning: Prolonged Intermixed Pre-exposure Reduces the Effectiveness of the Unique and the Common Elements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition. Perceptual Learning Special Issue.,
Title: "Preexposure effects in learning a navigation task"
PhD student: José Prados Guzmán
Supervisor: V.D. Chamizo
Date of Presentation: November 2000
Qualification: Passed "Cum Laude"
Title: "Inhibitory associations between neutral stimuli: a comparative approach of the Espinet effect"
PhD student: Antonio Alvarez Artigas
Supervisor: V.D. Chamizo
Date of Presentation: June 2001
Qualification: Passed "Cum Laude"
Title: "Perceiving causal strength in contexts with differing base rates of the effect"
PhD student: Itsaso Barbería Fernández
Supervisor: J. Sansa (and A. Baker, Co-director)
Date of Presentation: June, 2010
Qualification: Passed "Cum Laude"
Title: "Sex differences in spatial learning in rats: geometry of the apparatus and landmarks"
PhD student: Clara Aurora Rodríguez López
Supervisor: V.D. Chamizo
Date of Presentation: December, 2011
Qualification: Passed "Cum Laude"
Title: "The Crossroads psychoanalysis / neuroscience: some epistemological considerations ethically immersed in the subject of language"
PhD student: Héctor García de Frutos
Supervisor: J.B. Trobalon
Date of Presentation: December 2013
Qualification: Excellent