A.A. Artigas – Group Coordinator (Antonio Álvarez Artigas)
Senior Lecturer Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Cognició, Desenvolupament i Psicologia de l'Educació Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 171 08035 - Barcelona
Main interests: Perceptual learning; Salience modulation
Two main publications:
Artigas, A.A., Contel, D.M., Sansa, J., & Prados, J. (2012). Salience modulation in serial pre-exposure. Implications for perceptual learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 38, 66-73.
Artigas, A. A., Chamizo, V. D., & Peris, J. M. (2001). Inhibitory associations between neutral stimuli: A comparative approachAnimal Learning and Behavior, 29, 46-65.
(Victoria Díez Chamizo)
Professor Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Cognició, Desenvolupament i Psicologia de l'Educació Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 171 08035 - Barcelona
Main interests: Spatial learning and cognition; Associative learning
Two main publications:
Chamizo, V.D., Rodríguez, C.A., Espinet, A., & Mackintosh, N.J. (2012). Generalization decrement and not overshadowing by associative competition among pairs of landmarks in a navigation task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes , 38, 255-265.
Chamizo, V.D. (2003). Acquisition of knowledge about spatial location: Assessing the generality of the mechanism of learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology , 56B, 107-119.
C.Gordón (Celia Gordón Rodriguez)
PhD student
Main interests: Preexposure learning; Salience modulation
Main publication:
Ballesta, S., Gordón, C., Prados, J. & Artigas, A.A. (in press). Mechanisms of Perceptual Learning: Prolonged Intermixed Pre-exposure Reduces the Effectiveness of the Unique and the Common Elements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition. Perceptual Learning Special.
T. Rodrigo (Teresa Rodrigo)
Head of Animal Facility Universitat de Barcelona, Experimental Animal Psychology Unit Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 171 08035 - Barcelona
Main interests: Animal learning and behavior
Two main publications:
Rodrigo, T., Chamizo, V.D., McLaren, I.P.L., & Mackintosh, N.J. (1997): Blocking in the spatial domain. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 23, 110-118.
Sansa, J, Rodrigo, T., Santamaría, J., Manteiga, R., & Chamizo, V.D. (2009): Conditioned inhibition in the spatial domain. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 35, 566-577.
I. Barberia (Itxaso Barberia)
Lecturer Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Cognició, Desenvolupament i Psicologia de l'Educació Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 171 08035 - Barcelona
Main interests: Causal learning
Two main publications:
Barberia, I., Baetu, I., Sansa, J., & Baker, A.G. (2010). Choosing optimal causal backgrounds for causal discovery. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 2413-2431.
Barbería, I, Baetu, I., Sansa, J., & Baker, A.G. (2014). When is a cause the "same"? Incoherent generalization across contexts. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,67, 281-303.
J. Sansa (Joan Sansa Aguilar)
Senior Lecturer Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Cognició, Desenvolupament i Psicologia de l'Educació Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 171 08035 - Barcelona
Main interests: Associative learning; Eating behavior; Inhibitory conditioning
Two main publications:
Barberia, I., Baetu, I., Sansa, J., & Baker, A.G. (2010). Choosing optimal causal backgrounds for causal discovery. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 2413-2431.
Sansa, J., Rodrigo T., Santamaría J., Manteiga R.D., & Chamizo, V.D. (2009). Conditioned inhibition in the spatial domain Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 35, 566-577.
J.B. Trobalon (Josep Batista Trobalon)
Senior Lecturer and Dean of the Faculty of Psychology Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Cognició, Desenvolupament i Psicologia de l'Educació Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 171 08035 - Barcelona
Main interests: Preexposure learning: A comparative approach
Two main publications:
Toro, J.M., Trobalon, J.B., & Sebastián-Gallés, N. (2005). The effects of backward speech and speacker variability in language discrimination by rats. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Behavior Processes, 31, 95-100.
Trobalon, J.B., Miguelez, D., McLaren, I.P.L., & Mackintosh, N.J (2003). Intradimensional and extradimensional shifts in spatial learning Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 29, 143-152.
M.N. Torres (Marta N. Torres)
Collaborator and Research Technician
Main interests: Sex differences; Navigation strategies
Two main publications:
Torres, M.N., Rodríguez, C.A., Chamizo, V.D., & Mackintosh, N.J. (2014): Landmark vs. geometry learning: Explaining female rasts’ selective preference for a landmark
Psicológica, 35, 81-100.
Chamizo, V.D., Rodríguez, C.A., Torres, I., Torres, M.N., & Mackintosh, N.J. (2014): What makes a landmark effective?: Sex differences in a navigation task
Learning and Behavior, 42, 348-356.
C.A. Rodríguez, Post-doc Researcher, Universitat de Barcelona (working now outside academia).
A. Cosculluela, Senior Lecturer, Universitat de Barcelona (retired).
A. Espinet, Senior Lecturer, Universidad de Málaga (retired).
Professor N.J. Mackintosh †, Universitat of Cambridge (deceased). Last tribute in Barcelona: View link
J.A. Vidal, Senior Lecturer, Universitat de Barcelona (member until 2010).
J.M. Peris †, Senior Lecturer, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (deceased).